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发布时间:2024-05-22 07:40:41 游览:97 次

Text 1

W: Hi, Jack. I heard that you are back at school now.


M: Yes, Susan. I just started college after taking three years off after high school.

W: Oh, yeah?


M: I’m feeling completely out of practice. I don’t know how to handle it, because my former classmates are already seniors, and they are graduating this year. And I’m just first year student and… I feel kind of at this disadvantage.

W: Really? Well, I don’t know. I kind of did the same thing. I started college right after high school. But I went back after a year. Then after two years I came back to school again. I actually felt like I appreciated my education more, because I was ready for it.


M: That’s a good point. I didn’t go on to college after high school, because I wasn’t ready. I needed a break.

W: Exactly.

M: Did it take you a while to remember how to form my papers or stuff like that?

W: Yeah. And I was an English major, so I have to do a lot of that. But catch on quickly and you just learn. Are you taking a lot of courses? Because if you overload yourself, you know, right away, it can be difficult.

M: I’m trying to take it slow and ease back into it.

Text 2

W: So, I was just in San Francisco and…

M: Nice.

W: I know. I love that town. And we went into Chinatown, which…uh…I love Chinatown in San Francisco.

M: There is the best you know. Ours is like two blocks here.

W: Absolutely. Yeah, any how… Chinese New Year it changes every year because it’s not a set holiday.

M: Is that right?

W: It’s because every year is actually based on different calendars. I can’t speak specifically on that but we have an extra month.

M: The Jewish calendar’s kind of / kinda like that too.

W: Anyhow back to Chinese New Year. So do you know what year of this year is? It’s the year of the pig.

M: How many different animals do they have?

W: Twelve. Twelve different animals.

M: Oh, yeah?

W: Yeah, It’s really interesting. But do you know what year, what animal you are?

M: Uh…I don’t know why I know. But I was born in the year of the rooster.

W: Oh, Yeah? I’m an ox.

Text 3

The marathon is an exciting event in any year as runners push themselves to extreme limit of their body to complete the over 42 kilometer race. But during the 1968 Mexico City Olympic, three runners performed such great acts that race is considered a truly historic event. One of the runners, Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia, is famous for having won the Olympic marathons at the Rome and Tokyo games. He hoped to win a third in Mexico City. Bikila was really strong as he began the marathon. But at the third of the way into the race he suddenly dropped out. He’d been suffering from a pain in his left leg and could run no more. Mamo Wolde, another Ethiopian runner saw Bikila drop out and immediately poured on the speed as if he was filling his fallen teammate's shoes. Wolde gave Ethiopia its third marathon victory. But the drama of this marathon did not end when Wolde crossed the finishing line. A little more than an hour later, word was passed to the remaining audience that the last runner of marathon was arriving. Into the stadium, came Akhwari of Tanzania, his leg was bloody and bandaged. Moving with pain at every step, he pressed on and finally got passed the finishing line. The crowd cheered as if this last runner had been the winner.

Text 4

M: Hey, Lucy. I have a question I’d like to ask you.

W: Yes, go ahead.

M: Well, don’t laugh but I met this really nice woman from online music group. I need some advice. You see, Claudia…

W: Ok. So it’s Claudia, right?

M: Yeah, yeah. She invited me to spend two weeks in Germany. She’s planning on introducing me to her parents. What should you do when you greet someone for the first time in Germany?

W: Well, it depends upon your relationship with the person. Now, speaking of your girlfriend Claudia…

M: Hey, hey, I didn’t say she was my girlfriend.

W: Oh, OK OK. Now, if you’re meeting someone for the first time like Claudia’s parents, you should make sure you arrive on time.

M: Ok. So arrive on time. What about common greetings?

W: Well, Germans often shake hands and they use the person’s family name unless they are really close friends.

M: Ok. What about with Claudia?

W: Uh, you can call her Claudia, shake hands and why don’t you take her some flowers?

Text 5

Rainforests are the lungs of the planet – storing vast quantities of carbon dioxide and producing a significant amount of the world’s oxygen. Rainforests have their own perfect system for guaranteeing their own survival; the tall trees make a cover of branches and leaves which protect themselves, smaller plants, and the forest animals from heavy rain, dry heat and strong winds.

Amazingly, the trees grow in such a way that their leaves and branches, although close together, never actually touch those of another tree. Scientists think this is a deliberate method to prevent the spread of any tree diseases and make life more difficult for leaf-eating insects. To survive in the forest, animals must climb from tree to tree. The ground floor of the forest is not all covered with leaves and bushes, but is where leaves turn into food for the trees and other forest life.

They are not called rainforests for nothing! Rainforests can produce 75% of their own rain. At least 80 inches of rain a year is normal – and in some areas there may be as much as 430 inches of rain annually. This is real rain. In just two hours, streams can rise ten to twenty feet.

Text 6

W: Hello?

M: Hello. Is that 8821199?

W: It is. Jane speaking.

M: Oh, are you… I mean I’d like to speak to the secretary of the readers’ club?

W: Yes, speaking.

M: Oh, oh. Hello. My name is Denis. I am interested in joining the readers’ club. And I’d like some more information. Would you mind telling me how much it costs to join?

W: Membership fee, for an adult is £2.50 for a year of course.

M: What sort of events do you have? I mean…

W: Well, there’s the club evenings for instance once a month, usually Wednesdays from 8 till about 10.

M: And where do you hold them?

W: The location, it’s usually the Beach Hotel. Do you know it?

M: Yes, I think I do. Do you have any other interest groups? I kinda like the computer thing.

W: There you are then. The club’s got a computer group that practices every Friday afternoon.

M: What’s the procedure? I mean if I decide to join the group? How do I go about it?

W: You can write to the chairman. His name is Hosegood, H-O-S-E, and then good.

M: Yes.

W: Initial p Address 3 Play Hills Road Aquaton.

M: Thank you very much. You’ve been very helpful.



1. W: Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. Next time it’s on me.

M: Don’t be silly.

W: I’m serious.

M: All right. Next time you treat.

2. M: What’s the chemistry homework Mr. Brown gave us today?

W: Just a minute. I’ll look it up in my notebook.

3. M: Did you listen to the weather report this morning, Helen?

W: Yes, it says we are going to have a wet weekend. We may get some very heavy rain in mountain areas.

M: That means we can’t go camping, but will have to stay in.

4. M: Hi, Maggie. I want all these books here.

W: That might be a lot for your dad to buy at one time.

M: My dad gets me all the books I want.

W: Well, that’s very nice of him.

5. M: Will you excuse me for a moment? I left my key in the car.

W: Certainly.



M: Bob Gordon speaking.

W: Hello, Bob. It’s Ann here. How’s everything?

M: Fine. How about you?

W: Oh, not so bad. Listen, I want to talk to you, Bob, about next Thursday. I hope you haven’t forgotten.

M: No, no. I’ve got it in my diary. Just look it up. Thursday, the14th, the meeting in Birmingham, don’t know when or where, though.

W: Right. That’s what Don White asked me to tell you. It’s in Birmingham at a quarter past eleven in the Rose.

M: The Rose Hotel?

W: Yes, the one opposite the park, Er, now you’ve got the time, right? 11:15, OK?

M: Yeah, fine, 11:15. I may be a few minutes late. There is a train from here at 8:10. I’ll take that one, which train are you getting?

W: I’m catching the 10:17. I get in at about 10:45.

M: OK. See you Thursday then. Cheer then.

W: Bye, Bob.


W: Meg, I’ve just got us tickets to Singapore.

M: That is just too exciting. So when do we set off?

W: The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon. So we need to set off for the airport at 11am.

M: Just let me write that down. So I don’t forget. So we leave at 11 am. Do we stop off anywhere on the way or is it a direct fight?

W: Well, there aren’t any direct flights. But we are very lucky. With these tickets we can stop off in Hong Kong. So we can stop and spend two days there on our way to Singapore.

M: You’re great. I always wanna go there. So we stop off in Hong Kong and just one more thing. When do we get back?

W: We’ll return home in 10 days’ time.

M: Wow, wonderful, I just can’t wait.


M: Have you booked a table, madam?

W: Yes, we’ve booked one for two. The name is Morrison.

M: Oh, yes, we have the table for you near the group. This way, please.

W: Group? What group? Oh, the music group, I suppose. I can’t stand the noisy places. Now where’s the menu?

M: It’s on the wall, madam, on the blackboard.

W: On the blackboard, indeed. I suppose you can’t afford proper menus.

M: I’m sorry, madam, but that’s what we always do.

W: I have such a busy afternoon in my office. If I weren’t so hungry, I would leave immediately.


W: How was the game, Bill? Did you enjoy it?

M: No, it was not interesting at all.

W: That’s too bad. Football games are usually exciting.

M: Not last night. Some of the players didn’t know what they were doing. In fact, one of them was just terrible.

W: Well, which team was the winner?

M: The Tigers, they won the game 3-1.

W: Were you happy about the score?

M: No, I cheered for the losers.

W: What about Eric and Steve? Which team did they support?

M: Well, Eric was for the Tigers, but Steve was for the Lions.

W: Then at least one of you liked the game.

M: Yes, all of us enjoyed eating something. I had a big box of popcorn and ice cream.


Hi, there, cow boys and cow girls. For a really exciting day in the Wild West, come to Cactus City Wild West Park. Yes, bring the children along to see a real old time pioneering town. Shoot guns and ride horses down the road. We’ll open April through September, seven days a week from10 am to sundown. Only 12 dollars for adults and 6 dollars for children or buy a family ticket at 24 dollars. What’s more, every Saturday and Sunday we have a real Wild West Show. Performances start at 2 pm and last for two and a half hours. That’s value for money. There are free buses to the park throughout the day every Saturday and Sunday from Cactus City Center. Yes, so we. There is a lot of fun waiting for all the family at Cactus City Wild West Park.



1. Who is paying the lunch now?

A. They share the bill B. The woman C. The man

2. Who are the two speakers?

A. Workers B. Students C. Teachers

3. What will the speakers do over the weekend?

A. Go camping B. Stay at home C. Climb mountains

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a bookstore B. On a bus C. At home

5. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Get his key B. Start the car C. Wait for him



6. Why does the woman call the man?

A. To tell him the time and place of a meeting.

B. To tell him how to get to Birmingham.

C. To tell him to visit Don White.

7. Which train is the woman taking?

A. The 10:17 B. The 10:45 C. 11:15


8. When is their flight?

A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening

9. Why do the speakers need to stop off in Hong Kong?

A. Direct flights are more expensive.

B. They plan to do some shopping there.

C. There are no non-stop flights to Singapore.

10. How long will the speakers be away from home?

A. Two days B. Ten days C. Twelve days


11. Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a concert hall B. In a restaurant C. In a theatre

12. How does the woman feel in the conversation?

A. Unhappy B. Curious C. Excited

13. What is the woman going to do next?

A. Start to work immediately B. Talk to the group C. Sit down to order


14. Why was Bill unhappy about the game?

A. Some players played poorly.

B. The scores were too close.

C. It lasted too long.

15. Who cheered for the Tigers?

A. Steve B. Bill C. Eric

16. What was the one thing Bill said he enjoyed?

A. His friends’ company.

B. Supporting his team.

C. Eating some food.

17. What do you know about the woman?

A. She knows Bill well.

B. She owns a restaurant.

C. She dislikes football.


18. What do you know about Cactus City Wild West Park?

A. A place to see cowboys and cowgirls.

B. A place for children to play in winter.

C. A fun place for the whole family.

19. When does the wild west show begin?

A. At 10 am weekdays.

B. At 2pm on weekends.

C. at 2:30 pm everyday.

20. When can people take free buses to the park?

A. On Saturdays and Sundays.

B. Throughout the week.

C. In the evening.


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